Coding along

I decided a few months ago to pursue coding more deeply, and to that end I purchased a bunch of courses on (fortunately, I found a deal, because they can get expensive!). The one I am currently working on teaches you how to build a clean, gorgeous website using Bootstrap. I love Bootstrap, it is so fast and fun. The class also taught me how and why to start using GitHub, and I just set up my first public repository, I think I actually said “Eeee!” out loud when I first saw that it was working! I know it is pretty nerdy, but I love learning this stuff.

I can’t decide if I should do the in-depth Javascript class next (I have some experience with Javascript, but it’s been a while since I used it for anything, so I need to brush up), or instead dive into the course for dynamic websites, which involves scripting with PHP and mySQL as well as Javascript.