
A ton of stuff has happened in the last month! I passed comps (yay!) and graduated (double yay!) and got hired on at my library as a medical librarian (all the yays!). My start date for the latter is October 1st, and I am tickled to death about it. I’ve already started taking on more responsibilities at work, including teaching a class to some of my coworkers on a variety of health resource topics, and assisting with a literature search on acute kidney injury. I’m also learning a bit more about SQL and genetics resources. It’s a bit of a hodgepodge, but it’s all very interesting. Work is so much more enjoyable now that I’m learning new things.

Now that school is over I have a lot more time on my hands. I still haven’t adjusted to the idea that I don’t have articles to read all the time, papers and projects to work on, or classes to attend. I am tempted to start a thousand new projects, because I’m not good at sitting still, but I think I should take a while and think things over before I embark on a new venture. What should I do next? I’m thinking of beefing up my coding skills, getting back into knitting, and writing more.

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